
Stress Relief for Moms

Having a Stressful Day?

The demands of motherhood can result in stress and anxiety at times. From lack of sleep due to nursing a newborn to teaching a child with learning challenges, it’s easy to become overwhelmed during your homeschooling days. Since a mother under stress can affect her whole household in a negative sense, it’s important to take the time to destress daily.

10 Minute Solutions for Stress Relief

Here are a few 10-minute relief methods that have helped me reduce stress and maintain a calm, relaxed mind. I know your days can get busy, so I wanted to give you quick solutions that will go a long way to maintaining a relaxed spirit…
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WALKING - You’ll be surprised how a 10 minute walk will help calm your nerves and refresh your mind. Not only this, you’ll get in some good exercise and burn calories while taking that refreshing walk.

If it’s possible, I would recommend taking this walk first thing in the morning. Leave the iPod behind and absorb the scenery around you. Allow yourself to start your day with a clear mind and thankful heart. As you walk, think about all the things for which you’re thankful, and you’ll set your day on a great course!
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STRETCHING - Taking 10 minutes daily to stretch or do yoga will help calm your sprit and relax your mind any time of the day! If you are unable to squeeze in 10 minutes for stretching, try this yoga routine that will take you through some simple but yet effective set of exercises. You can do this routine at home or even while watching your kids at the park!
Click here to try this 2 minute yoga/stretching routine for busy moms: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V4XKczGHJ30
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LISTENING TO NATURE MUSIC (OR OTHER CALMING SOUNDS) - Taking 10 minutes to lay down or recline in a comfortable chair and listen to calming music will bust stress and increase a relaxed mood. You can even play this kind of music when putting little ones to sleep or calming older children who are acting rowdy.

Nature Music can be found online at Amazon.com or iTunes.
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SPENDING QUIET/MEDITATION TIME ALONE - Taking 10 minutes to be still while meditating on the Word of God (and praying) will also do wonders to calm your mind, get grounded, and refocus intently on the will of God.
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SOAKING IN A TUB - Soaking in a tub (for even 10 minutes) before bedtime will help you relax tense muscles and release stress. It will also give you a good night’s rest.

Here’s a great way to rejuvenate with epsom salt…Simply add 1 1/2 to 2 cups of epsom salt to running bath water as you fill your tub. That’s it! Rejuvenation will come from the magnesium in the epsom salt. Why? Magnesium is known to sooth and relax aching muscles as well as detoxify your system. This soak is good for you!

For added therapy, add 10-20 drops of your favorite essential oil to your epsom salt before putting into your running bath water. Relax and enjoy!
Lareina Chavoya
PO Box 190088
Boise, ID 83719